Monday, April 29, 2019

Officer Down

Deputy Sheriff Ray Elwin Horn, III
Comal County Sheriff's Office, Texas
Age 44
Tour 11 years, 6 months
Badge 471
End of Watch Thursday, January 17, 2019

Deputy Sheriff Ray Horn suffered a fatal heart attack shortly after participating in his agency's mandatory physical fitness testing.

He had completed the testing and left the facility when he suffered the heart attack while driving his patrol car near the intersection of FM 3009 and Dimrock, in Schertz, at 5:15 pm. His patrol car then collided with two other vehicles at the intersection. He was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Deputy Horn was a U.S Air Force veteran and had served with the Comal County Sheriff's Office for 11-1/2 years. He is survived by his wife.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Friday, April 26, 2019

A double shot of Tennessee Whiskey.....

A singer I will see at some point in the future, even if I have to steal the tickets. I first saw Chris Stapleton on Saturday Night Lives years ago, and I immediately downloaded his album. An incredible guitar player and singer. He's a bit rough on the edges. Like a country singer should be, and just like the original singer of this song, David Allen Coe. Here is Chris Stapleton's version of Tennessee Whiskey

While I was on da web, I found this young man's version of it. Nine years old, this kid is talented!

It's been a long as week, and I see a double shot of some sort of whiskey in my near future. Have a better weekend, and God bless.

An image you will never forget...

I still recall the first time I saw this image. This is what an impaired driver can do to another human being (the other two in the car this idiot hit were killed). Having to live like this for decades is unfathomable to me, but she spent her life campaigning against drunk driving.
Jacqui Saburido, face of famous anti-drunk driving campaign, dies

AUSTIN (KXAN) — Jacqui Saburido, the woman who became the face of anti-drunk driving campaign after a 1999 crash left her with third-degree burns, has died, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission confirmed on Monday.

In 1999, Saburido took a break from college in her native Caracas, Venezuela, to come to the United States to learn English. She had only been in the U.S. for about a month when she was coming home from a birthday party on Sept. 19 and her friend's car was struck by 18-year-old Reggie Stephey, who had been drinking.

Stephey drifted across the road's center stripe and struck the car head-on — killing two of the passengers instantly.

Saburido survived but nearly burned to death when the car caught fire.

Stephey, a high school senior of Austin, was convicted of two counts of intoxication manslaughter and sentenced to seven years in prison — he was released in 2008.

Jacqui, meanwhile, suffered extensive third-degree burns that left her blind, melted off her hair, and resulted in the loss of her ears, lips, nose and eyelids. She also lost use of her hands. She was not expected to survive.

Since the crash, she underwent over 100 operations and at one point, her medical bills totaled up to $5 million — a price tag she faced without health insurance. She died of cancer in Guatemala.

Jacqui spent most of the rest of her life advocating for the Texas Department of Transportation's campaign urging people not to drink and drive. She appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" twice and it is estimated that at least one billion people have heard her story.

During a press conference, she once said:

"Even if it means sitting here in front of a camera with no ears, no nose, no eyebrows, no hair, I’ll do this a thousand times if it will help someone make a wise decision...”

RIP Jacqui.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Officer Down

Supervisory Deputy US Marshal Norman D. Merkel
United States Department of Justice - United States Marshals Service, U.S. Government
End of Watch Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Age 45
Tour 21 years
Badge 3019

Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshal Norm Merkel suffered a fatal heart attack while participating in his agency's wellness program inside the United States Courthouse in Corpus Christi, Texas.

A court security officer performed CPR after he was located but was unable to revive him.

Deputy Marshal Merkel was a U.S. Army veteran. He had served with the United States Marshals Service for 18 years and was the commander of the Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Task Force. He had previously served with the McIntosh County Sheriff's Office, North Dakota, for three years. He is survived by his mother and two sisters.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the

lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Officer Down

Sergeant WyTasha Lamar Carter
Birmingham Police Department, Alabama
End of Watch Sunday, January 13, 2019
Age 44
Tour 17 years

Sergeant WyTasha Carter was shot and killed as he and another officer attempted to arrest two men who were breaking into vehicles at a bar in 900 block of Fifth Avenue North just before 2:00 am.

They were in the area on a special detail as the result of a recent rash of vehicle break-ins. A plainclothes officer spotted two subjects pulling on door handles of various cars and notified Sergeant Carter, who was in uniform and responded to the parking lot. The officer and Sergeant Carter stopped the two subjects and began to pat them down for weapons.

One of the men suddenly produced a handgun and shot officers, fatally wounding Sergeant Carter and critically wounding the plainclothes officers.

One of the subjects was wounded by return gunfire before both men were taken into custody.

Sergeant Carter was a U.S. Air Force veteran. He had served with the Birmingham Police Department for eight years and had previously served with the Shelby County Sheriff's Office, Leeds Police Department, and Fairfield Police Department for an additional nine years. He is survived by his wife and children.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the

lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Hallelujah...He has Risen!

A revised version of Leonard Cohen's classic, Hallelujah, for the holiest day of Christianity.

In New Orleans to visit family and friends, have a great weekend.

Officer Down

Trooper Christopher Lambert
Illinois State Police, Illinois
End of Watch Saturday, January 12, 2019
Age 34
Tour 5 years
Badge 6527

Trooper Christopher Lambert was struck and killed by a vehicle while investigating the scene of a prior crash on I-294 near Willow Road in Northbrook.

He was en route home when he encountered the three-vehicle crash on the left shoulder and stopped to render aid. He was standing outside of his vehicle when he was struck by another vehicle that failed to slow down or move over.

A nurse who was on the scene performed CPR until rescue personnel arrived. He was transported to Glenbrook Hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

The investigation revealed that the driver who struck him was attempting to pass the accident scene by using the left shoulder and had admitted to smoking THC oil the previous day. He was charged with reckless homicide.

Trooper Lambert was a U.S. Army veteran and had served with the Illinois State Police for five years. He is survived by his wife, 1-year-old daughter, and parents.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the

lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The disease of political correctness is spreading and continuing to destroy....

A few days ago I had lunch with a close friend, and we got on the subject of the ban on transexuals in the military. He mentioned how there was a scenario during a command preparation course.

A transexual solder, a born female is claiming to be male. "She/He" walks into the company orderly room and announces "She/He" is pregnant. Do you let the soldier wear maternity uniforms, which are for pregnant females soldiers? The answer is yes, let "him" wear a woman's uniform.

I've said this for ages, we don't need this in the service, we're not here to help someone "find" their true self. We are here, in Douglas MacArthur's immortal words, "to win our wars." And putting people on pins and needles for addressing SGT Smith as "she" or "he," and getting it wrong, destroys cohesion and morale. Not to mention if this libtard dream of having DoD pay for transsexual surgery will encourage people to try to enter, get tax payer funded surgery, then be non-deployable for one to two years.

If you feel like you are a woman born in a man's body, fine. Wear women's clothing, get the "chop-a-dictame" operation, take hormones for the rest of your life, fine. Do it on your own time, and your own dime.

Well, some more of this stupidity has reached the other side of the planet. One of our reliable allies, the Aussies, has a serious PC infection.
A Defence Force slowly dying

Tom Lewis

The Australian Defence Force is shooting itself in the foot over political correctness. But venturing opinions on PC is reminiscent of complaining in the old Soviet Union. It’s a glance over each shoulder before saying a word – to see if the Thought Police are listening; a ‘career-limiting move’.

The recent announcements by both Air Force and Navy that they will consider ‘gender’ in offensive operations is merely the latest bit of virtue-signalling foolishness. Announcements such as ‘The Royal Australian Navy Deputy Fleet Commander has ordered that “all operations and exercises” be conducted with consideration of a “gender perspective”’ are ridiculous. For it’s obvious to anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge of military operations that there is always consideration of the target before offensive operations commence...

...Anyone who’s served for years in the forces knows what it used to be like. Opinions were forthright, sometimes with salty language. But one of the best aspects was that it was a big family – and family fights are common. But it was shoulder to shoulder against the enemy. Serving in a combat zone with the ADF then made you realise how good they were: united with the best in Aussie ingenuity and mateship. That cohesion is disappearing.

Political correctness is setting one member against another. A small coterie have determined to use PC agendas to advance their careers, a habit becoming all too common. One male general decided to wear women’s high heels so he could experience walking a woman’s mile.

General, we don't care if you wear high heels for a mile. How about you push your soldiers, in combat boots, to the point of exhaustion, but make sure they all make it through the 10-15-20 mile course? In case you didn't notice, the men you want in your infantry, were laughing at you. And you don't need that.
Their argument has often been that to meet recruiting targets the forces has to be ‘fully inclusive’ of the community. This is rubbish. Armed forces always have attracted a small part of the communities they represent: people who can cope with the physical and mental demands of deployment to harsh environments, where they will be subject to fierce mental and physical needs. You simply take anyone who can do the job.

I would rather have five qualified men in my fire team then ten quota fills. I would have a much greater chance of living through a firefight with the men who volunteered.
One irony of the present PC situation is that traditionally the armed forces have been the place where everyone was treated equally. It didn’t make any difference whether you were Aboriginal, Greek or short. You were expected to soldier. When society allowed females to be recruited, then they were gone after with enthusiasm. Why not expand your recruiting base by 50 per cent? But Western society then went too far: it insists that there is no difference between females and males in demanding trades such as the infantry – when there clearly is.

Years ago, the Australian Defence Force Academy used to be one of the jewels in the Defence crown. It was everything you expected a university-level entrance to being a young officer to be. Squads of students marched everywhere, heads held high. No officer-instructor was safe from an ‘eyes right’ from the class and a salute from the squad leader. Even though the ranks held all sorts of multinational types: they’d all made the decision to serve their country.

Now, insiders report this university campus is more interested in recruiting students from China and the Middle East; from countries that do not share Australian values – ironically against the ‘inclusion’ mentality of PC. Uniformed staff report habits such as spitting on the formerly sacrosanct grounds, or in the military-manned pools, is now normal. Civilian students talk in overseas languages, walking on the grass in whatever shoddy clothes they like, whilst young officers wear uniform and march on the pavement.

The university has lost its way, coming to be disinterested in Defence and fascinated by the $32 billion international education market. The university is distancing itself from Defence in word and in deed. Where once the slogan was ‘The University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy’, now it is ‘UNSW Canberra’...

US Army, see the Infantry School, Ranger School, Armor school. And we will get people killed because of it.

Hopefully Australia can reverse this destruction. With China on the rise, they have threats to handle. And so do we. I can only pray we reverse the damage of the Obama years.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Officer Down

Police Officer Natalie Becky Corona
Davis Police Department, California
End of Watch Thursday, January 10, 2019
Age 22
Tour 5 months
Badge 224

Police Officer Natalie Corona was shot and killed after responding to a report of a three-car vehicle crash near the intersection of 5th and D streets.

As Officer Corona was conducting an investigation at the collision scene, a person not involved with the crash rode up to the scene on a bicycle. As Officer Corona spoke to one of the persons involved in the crash the man then walked up to her and opened fire without warning, striking her. He shot her several more times after she fell to the ground before shooting randomly at others bystanders and vehicles.

The subject fled into a nearby home. As responding officers searched for him he emerged from the home wearing body armor, yelled at the officers, and then re-entered the home. He committed suicide moments later.

Officer Corona was transported to UC Davis Medical Center, where she died from her wounds.

Officer Corona started her career with the Davis Police Department in 2016 as a part-time volunteer Community Service Officer. In 2018 she attended the police academy, graduating in July 2018. She completed her field training three weeks prior to the incident. She is survived by her parents. Her father had recently retired from the Colusa County Sheriff's Office.
Rest in Peace Sis…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the

lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Officer Down

Police Officer Clayton Joel Townsend
Salt River Police Department, Tribal Police
End of Watch Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Tour 5 years

Police Officer Clayton Townsend was struck and killed by a vehicle while conducting a traffic stop on northbound State Route 101 just south of McDowell Road, in Scottsdale at 6:00 pm.

He was approaching the car he had stopped when another vehicle struck him and then struck the stopped vehicle. He was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The driver who struck him admitted to texting and driving at the time of the crash. He was charged with manslaughter, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment.

Officer Townsend had served with the Salt River Police Department for five years. He is survived by his wife and 10-month-old child.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the

lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

I guess I'm a billionaire

Last night I finally got off my ass and finished the taxes. Afterwards, as usual, I needed a drink. But in reviewing my 2018 taxes with my 2017 filing, I guess the wife and I must be worth a fortune. Every libtard has been screeching that the tax cut put in back in December 2017 was for "the rich" only, right? Well, not exactly.

Overall the wife and I made around four thousand less in 2018 than in 2017. That's not surprising seeing I worked an enormous amount of overtime in 2017 between the Super Bowl and Hurricane Harvey. In 2018 I did not make nearly as much, but she got a new job with a nice raise.

Now in conversation with some more liberal friends of mine, they are screaming that they got screwed because their tax refund is lower or they even have to pay for the first time in ages. I ask them what the effective tax rate they are paying is. And they say they are paying more because their refund is smaller. And again, I ask, what is the percentage of your annual income are you paying. And they scream about their refund being smaller.

See a pattern here? They cannot get the simple concept that if you paid 20% of your income with a $1000.00 refund last year, and this year you paid 15% with a $500.00 refund, you paid 5% less in taxes.

Personally, looking at the numbers:

TY 2017 Effective Tax Rate: 15.60%

TY 2018 Effective Tax Rate: 13.88%

And one very pleasant change. Using the standard deduction almost doubled my deduction. I've been itemizing for over two decades, but without having to do all that work, that's a massive amount of time not wasted.

But again, to all you libtard screeching about "paying your fair share," here is the solution to your issue:

Internal Revenue Service Center
Austin, TX 73301-0010

Just write them a check and they will thank you. Personally, I'll keep more of my money and time, you can keep the change.


Nobody Thinks They’ve Gotten a Recent Tax Cut, but a Majority Have: Reason Roundup

Fewer than 40 percent of Americans surveyed think they’ve seen a tax cut since 2017, when President Donald Trump signed the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.” In fact, most people think their personal tax burden has gone up. But “independent analyses have consistently found that a large majority of Americans would owe less because of the law” and “preliminary data based on tax filings has shown the same,” reports The New York Times. Meanwhile, “not even one in 10 households actually got a tax increase.”

Data from the Tax Policy Center show 64.8 percent of Americans got a tax cut, while SurveyMonkey/New York Times data found only 39.6 percent thought they got a tax cut.

People with household incomes of less than $30,000 were the most likely to accurately perceive the situation (32.1 percent got a tax cut, and 30 percent think they did). Much larger tax-cut perception and reality gaps exist at higher household income levels:

About 69 percent of people with a household income of $30,000 to $50,000 got a tax cut, but just 36.1 percent think they did.
Nearly 82 percent of those in the $50,000 to $75,000 range got a tax cut; 41.5 percent think they did.
86.6 percent of households making $75,000 to $100,000 saw a tax cut, but just 47.9 percent think they did.
And 89.5 percent of those in the $100,000 or more bracket got a tax cut, while just 46.4 percent think they did.

“To a large degree, ******the gap between perception and reality on the tax cuts appears to flow from a sustained—and misleading—effort by liberal opponents of the law to brand it as a broad middle-class tax increase,”****** write the Times‘ Ben Casselman and Jim Tankersley.

Wait, the NY Times is actually saying there is a "...sustained—and misleading—effort by liberal opponents of the law to brand it as a broad middle-class tax increase..." Good God, I need more coffee...well, more whiskey with a shot of coffee.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Keeping the wolves away.....

Houston has had two major fires from refineries in the last month. A major employer in the area (as well as south Louisiana), nothing comes for free. It's one of the facts of life, you refine chemicals, accidents will occur.

Uncle Lucius has a sobering song of the life of refinery families, and what they do through. Great tune, but listen to the words. Every career path has its risk, and we own a major debt to the men and women who make those facilites function.

Have a great weekend!

Officer Down

Police Officer Dale James Woods
Colerain Township Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Monday, January 7, 2019
Age 46
Tour 15 years
Badge 47
Cause Struck by vehicle
Incident Date Friday, January 4, 2019

Police Officer Dale Woods succumbed to injuries sustained three days earlier while moving traffic control devices at the scene of a previous crash on Colerain Avenue near Harry Lee Lane.

The initial crash involved a vehicle striking a utility pole during a period of rain, requiring the utility company to respond to make repairs. Officer Woods was moving a traffic cone as part of the road closure when a pickup truck struck him.

He was transported to Cincinnati Medical Center where he passed away. His organs were donated following his death.

Officer Woods had served with the Colerain Township Police Department for 15 years. He is survived by his three children.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the

lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Monday, April 8, 2019

This is a "news article"

I despise what Obamacare has done to America, and the massive cost it has inflicted on the American people. And the fact the GOP has shown itself incapable of actually governing with their attempt to "repeal and replace," with John McCain stabbing America in the back like he did. And I'm hearing from the usual media suspects that if the GOP repeals Obamacare, it will cos them the 2020 election. Then again, there were the same "experts" who said Mrs. Bill Clinton had a 93% shot of winning in November 2020.

With that as an introduction, I find this "news article" interesting. From a "mainstream, objective, non-partisan" news source, Bloomber, i.e. the former mayor of New York.
Trump asks courts to erase Obamacare in risky 2020 election move

OK, nonpartisan Bloomberg can only see the GOP working to remove Obamacare as a political "move." The thought that Obamacare was overall bad for the United States and it needs to be repealed and the damage repaired, never seems to come into thinking.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) criticizes the GOP on the move against the Affordable Care Act and on the GOP's response to the Mueller report on the Russia investigation.
The Trump administration is hardening its legal position toward Obamacare, arguing now that the entire law is unconstitutional in a shift that promises to bring the issue to the forefront of the 2020 election campaign.

The position is a change for the Justice Department after it argued last year that large parts of the 2010 law — but not all of it — should be struck in the case Texas vs. U.S., which is pending before the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. A trial court judge sided with Texas and voided the law in a December ruling. The Justice Department in a filing Monday now says that the entire law, enacted under President Obama, should be thrown out.

The filing assures renewed attention to President Trump’s position that the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, should be eliminated, including its subsidies and popular rules banning insurers from charging more to people with preexisting conditions.

Trump’s move, which could prove to be a gift for Democrats, prompted a swift response from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “Tonight in federal court, the Trump administration decided not only to try to destroy protections for Americans living with pre-existing conditions, but to declare all-out war on the health care of the American people,” the San Francisco lawmaker said Monday in a statement.

Hate to tell you this Bloomberg, the entire law is unconstitutional. No where does the Constitution empower the federal government to force me, as a private citizen, to enter into a contact. But that aside, to borrow a phrase from Johnny McCain (rest in piss), elections have consequences.
Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat, also weighed in, claiming on Twitter that the Trump administration was focusing on “taking away your health care...”

Actually Chuck, Obamacare destroyed countless insurance options for millions of Americans, and increased cost for all Americans.
...Texas and other states that brought the lawsuit assert that because Congress in 2017 zeroed out the tax penalty for violating Obamacare’s individual mandate to buy insurance, the provision is no longer constitutional, and that the rest of the law is “inseverable” from it and “therefore invalid....
Point, but the entire mandate, in and of itself, it unconstitutional. The federal government does not have the powers to tell me, a private citizen, I must engage in commerce.
...The Justice Department filing came just as Trump was taking a victory lap after special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe didn’t find evidence that the president’s campaign conspired with Russians to manipulate the 2016 election, according to a summary of the report by Atty. Gen. William P. Barr.
And this has what to due with the price of tea in China? Hate to tell you Bloomturd, Russia did assist a candidate in 2016. Mrs Bill Clinton.

And the 4th Estate wonders why they are held in such contempt.

Officer Down

Master Police Officer Joseph William Shinners
Provo Police Department, Utah
End of Watch Saturday, January 5, 2019
Age 29
Tour 3 years
Badge 310

Master Police Officer Joseph Shinners was shot and killed in Orem, Utah while attempting to arrest a wanted fugitive at 10:00 p.m.

Investigators had received information that the wanted subject was going to be in the area of a retail store at 50 West University Parkway, in Orem. Members of the Provo Police Department and the Orem Police Department located the subject in the parking lot and attempted to take him into custody. During the arrest the man opened fire, fatally wounding Officer Shinners. The subject was also wounded in the shootout and is in custody.

Officer Shinners was transported to Utah Valley Hospital where he succumbed to his wounds shortly before midnight.

Officer Shinners had served with the Provo Police Department for three years and was posthumously promoted to the rank of Master Police Officer. He is survived by his wife and young son.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Officer Down

Master Police Officer Joseph William Shinners
Provo Police Department, Utah
End of Watch Saturday, January 5, 2019
Age 29
Tour 3 years
Badge 310

Master Police Officer Joseph Shinners was shot and killed in Orem, Utah while attempting to arrest a wanted fugitive at 10:00 p.m.

Investigators had received information that the wanted subject was going to be in the area of a retail store at 50 West University Parkway, in Orem. Members of the Provo Police Department and the Orem Police Department located the subject in the parking lot and attempted to take him into custody. During the arrest the man opened fire, fatally wounding Officer Shinners. The subject was also wounded in the shootout and is in custody.

Officer Shinners was transported to Utah Valley Hospital where he succumbed to his wounds shortly before midnight.

Officer Shinners had served with the Provo Police Department for three years and was posthumously promoted to the rank of Master Police Officer. He is survived by his wife and young son.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.