Friday, April 28, 2023

An awesome version of a classic of Rock-n-Roll

From the man who is IMHO the greatest guitar player on the planet right now.

Granted, there were some others recenlty in the competion, but they have sadely already passed. BB King. Prince. A few years back Clapton was asked, "What's it like being the greatest guitar play on earth?" Slow Hand's response, "Better ask Prince about that." High praise from a master of the art.

I found this by pure accident and I thank God for it. I know it's old (1991) because Clapton actually has a cigarette on his bass in a public building. But's it's taking it to town with the London Orchastra.

From Eric Clapton, his classic Layla. Enjoy and have a great weekend. I'll be with my Blue Knight brothers at our regional conference and am looking forward to some time on my bike.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

A Curious Observation...

I can't t think anyone who has not been in a coma the last ten days doesn't know of the shooting of Ralph Yarl, a black 16-year-old, by Andrew Lester, an 84-year-old white male. Thank God Mr. Yarl was  not injured as badly as he could have been. A shot to the head at close range is often times fatal with only one bullet. The young man is still alive and recovering at home, which is a great sign. 

Now I've reviewed reports on this incident, and of course it's racist. It's black and white, so of course it's racial, the race industry is fully deployed (Benjamin Crump is really preparing a lawsuit). But I find something very curious. From CNN:

Recovery of Black teen allegedly shot by White homeowner after ringing wrong doorbell is a miracle, attorney says

Black teenager who authorities say was shot in the head by an 84-year-old White homeowner after going to the wrong Kansas City address received a positive prognosis but still faces a long road to recovery, according to his attorneys...

Also on Wednesday, the homeowner, Andrew Lester, entered a not guilty plea in court on felony charges of assault in the first degree and armed criminal action.

“...He’s home and looks great. Ralph is a WALKING MIRACLE with a head of steel,” (activist and family spokesperson Shaun) King wrote in the (Instagram) post, which Merritt reposted. “Had the bullet hit his head a fraction of an inch in any other direction he would probably be dead right now.”

Lester, who is out on $200,000 bond, attempted to speak with the judge throughout the proceeding but was not argumentative. Part of his bond conditions include reporting to police within 24 hours and once a month afterward. He cannot possess any weapons, must surrender his passport and remain in Missouri, and is ordered not to have any contact with Yarl or Yarl’s family members.

He is scheduled to be back in court on June 1.

“While charges have been filed, this remains an active investigation,” prosecutors said in a statement. “We are continuing to work with law enforcement to gather any and all evidence available in this case...”

...The arraignment and health update come less than a week after Lester allegedly shot Ralph in the head and arm after the teen rang the man’s doorbell. Police and Ralph’s family said he was trying to pick up his siblings but went to the wrong address.

The homeowner opened fire through a locked glass door without any words exchanged because he thought the teen was trying to break in and was “scared to death” due to the boy’s size, according to statements in a probable cause document obtained by CNN.

The incident was one of a number of shootings in the past week involving young people being met with gunfire after apparently going to the wrong place in error. In rural New York, a 20-year-old woman who was in a vehicle that pulled into a wrong driveway was fatally shot by the homeowner, and in Texas, two cheerleaders were shot in a supermarket parking lot after one mistook a man’s vehicle for her own...

...Ralph and his mother, Cleo Nagbe, spoke with President Joe Biden by phone on Monday evening, a White House official told CNN. The conversation also covered their families, their love of music and Ralph’s dream of pursuing a chemical engineering degree at Texas A&M University, the official said. Vice President Kamala Harris also spoke with Ralph on Tuesday afternoon, according to Merritt...

In all this, what is curious? Where is Moms Demand Action, Everytown For Gun Safety, David Camera Hog Hogg, Rosie O'Donnell (well, honestly, we don't need to see her), and all the others usual suspects screaming, "IT'S THE GUNS!"? In late March a transvestite with an "assault style weapon and pistol" attacked a private school in Nashville, killing 3 kids and 3 adults, And the usual suspects could not be shut up. Rosie got on her Twitter page and screeched about banning every "AR-15." The geniuses on such great intellectual shows like The View were out blaming the NRA and the GOP before the scene had been cleared. Democrats invaded the Tennessee capital, led by three radicals who call themselves legislators, demanding they "end gun violence," whatever that means this week.

Hell, it's been almost a month and we still don't have the Nashville shooter's manifesto. Like Obama's and Mrs. Bill Clinton's dissertations, secured better than they secure classified documents. You would think they have something to hide. Bit I digress. 

I know the rent-a-mobs are screaming about an old man shooting a young black man only because he's black. In all fairness, Mr. Yarl did knock late at night, and per Mr. Lester, tried to force the door open. Does this justify shooting Mr. Yarl? Let's just say we need more information. I AM NOT justifying what Mr. Lester did. I am saying this is early in the investigation, let the full story come out before everything else. Remember the greatest lie of the 21st Century, "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!"  

Back to the shooting of Mr. Yarl, no one that I've seen is screaming to ban .32 caliber "assault pistols"  or other "weapons of war" (both undefined). The usual people are screaming why Mr. Lester was initially released, then arrested later. Currently he is out on bond, awaiting his trial, and they are screeching about that. These are the people who wanted "bond reform." You wanted it, you got it.

Again, look at how the two shootings (Nashville and Kansas City) has been reacted to. Nashville, the gun is blamed. Kansas City, the shooter is blamed. Interesting, in one case, an inanimate object (a firearm) is blamed, in the later incident, the shooter is blamed. After one or another case of a nationally known shooting, I've had to explain to screeching libtards that guns do not fire by themselves (Are you listening Alex Baldwin?). They need to be obtained, loaded, a round locked  into the chamber (semi-automatic), the shooter goes to his target area, he aims and fires. In all that, I don't see anything the firearm does automatically. 

Interesting. It seems guns don't kill, but people kill people. Who would have ever thunk it? 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Love is sometimes bitter...

A rock anthem if there ever was. I remember this song well, came out just as I was deploying to my first active army assignment at Camp Casey Korea. This was summer 1988, there was no internet, telephone cost through the nose, and I was assigned to a combat unit. 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, The Iron Brigade. Back then, all women (although there were females on the post in other units). 

The first month I would often go to the Burger King (living large there), order a Diet Coke, and play music on the jukebox. And I would always play this song. A but painful at the time (I was 7,000 plus miles from home and my then girlfriend), but misery loves company. I've often said of the 2nd Infantry Division, it was the last vestige of the old army left. You were deployed, the wife and kids were on the other side of the planet, the broken car, school problems, etc. were not an issue. There was nothing you could do. 

But I just loved how this song called to me. Love can be very painful and dangerous, as Bob Sager said in Shame on the Moon, "Once inside a woman's heart, a man must keep his head. Heaven opens up the door, where angels fear to tread." 

Enough of my crazed philosophy on love, and onto a great piece of music. Lef Leppard's classic, Love Bites. Have a great weekend. 

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

The United States Army started using balloons for resonance in the Civil War. While technology has advanced, aerial observation is still a great asset. We've gone from balloons to aircraft to satellites, but the target has changed to a great degree. In the 19th and 20th Centuries, is was often a physical item we were looking for (forces and their disposition, terrain, etc). Beginning in the latter part of the 20th Century, it's more communications, particularly computer communications, that can give us the intelligence we need. 

China does not have the fleet of resonance aircraft the US (or the West in general) has, but that doesn't mean they cannot try to get what they want. Case in point, the balloon they sent over the US earlier this year. Thanks to Joe Biden (You know, the Thingy), it was allowed to complete its passing over the entire US before we finally shot it down. And yes, it was transmitting information to China. Thanks Joe. 

But this is not all. It was not just one balloon, but four over the last two years 

Leaked secret documents detail up to four additional Chinese spy balloons

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware of up to four additional Chinese spy balloons, and questions lingered about the true capabilities of the one that flew over the continental United States in January and February, according to previously unreported top-secret intelligence documents.

The Chinese spy balloon that flew over the United States this year, called Killeen-23 by U.S. intelligence agencies, carried a raft of sensors and antennas the U.S. government still had not identified more than a week after shooting it down, according to a document allegedly leaked to a Discord chatroom by Jack Teixeira, a member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard.

Another balloon flew over a U.S. carrier strike group in a previously unreported incident, and a third crashed in the South China Sea, a second top-secret document stated, though it did not provide specific information for launch dates.

A document produced by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and dated Feb. 15 — 10 days after the Air Force shot down the balloon that flew over the United States — contains the most detailed government assessment to date of Killeen-23 and two balloons from previous years, labeled Bulger-21 and Accardo-21. It was not clear from the documents if Bulger-21 and Accardo-21 were the same balloons that flew over the carrier strike group and crashed.

Bulger-21 carried sophisticated surveillance equipment and circumnavigated the globe from December 2021 until May 2022, the NGA document states. Accardo-21 carried similar equipment as well as a “foil-lined gimbaled” sensor, it says...

...Annotating what appear to be detailed photos of the balloon that flew over the United States, presumably taken from a U-2 spy plane, intelligence analysts assessed that it could generate enough power to operate “any” surveillance and reconnaissance technology, including a type of radar that can see at night and through clouds and thin materials...

The Soviets had to put satellites into orbit to monitor us like this, but China uses centuries old technology to deploy a reconnaissance  device to monitor our military. Will someone explain to Joe this is a hostile act by a foreign power and needs to be reacted to, i.e., shoot it down upon coming over American airspace, Oh, that's right, the Big Man is still on the take. 

Good lord how did we get into this mess. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

K9 Down

K9 Lenin
Baytown Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Thursday, March 9, 2023
Breed Belgian Malinois-German Shepherd mix
Gender Male
Age 2
Tour 7 months

K9 Lenin died after suffering a bite from a venomous snake while conducting training in the 5100 block of East Road in Baytown.

His handler rush him to the Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists where he succumbed to the effects of the venom.

K9 Lenin was an Explosives Ordinance Detection canine and was credited with locating numerous firearms and shell casings during evidence searches. He won the TOP Bomb Dog Award, second place for Bomb Scramble, and third place for Bomb Vehicles in Dothan, Alabama, in February 2023.

K9 Lenin had served with the Baytown Police Department for only seven months.

Rest in Peace Lenin…till our next roll call at the Rainbow Bridge!
In Memory of all Police Dogs
They handled themselves with beauty & grace
And who could ever forget that beautiful face
Whether at work; or at home; whatever the test
They always worked hard; and did their best
They were real champions; at work or at play
But their lives were cut short; suddenly one day
While working on the job with their partner one day
They put themselves out on a limb; out into harms way
They gave the ultimate sacrifice; any dog can give
They gave up their life; so someone could live
The best of their breed; as his partner and anyone would say
Many hearts are now broken; that he had to prove it this way
Now as the trees are blowing in the gentle breeze
The sun is shining; thru the leaves on the trees
The meadows are green; and the grass grows tall
Off in the distance they can see a waterfall
As they look over the falls; down through the creek
The water flows gently; as a rabbit sneaks a peek
Far up above; in the deep blue sky
They see the birds soar high; as they fly by
They see animals playing; at the bridge by a waterfall
Chasing each other; and just having a ball
They play all day; from morning to night
There's no more rain; just warm sunlight
Off in the distance; they hear trumpets blow
Then all the animals look up; and notice a bright glow
The harps would play and the angels would sing
As they know they've come home; they've earned their wings
We remember that they died; in the line of duty
And are now with the Lord; sharing in heaven's beauty
Off to the meadows now; where they can play and roam free
With an occasional rest stop; under a tall oak tree
No more bad guys to chase; or bullets to take
Just a run through the meadow; down to the lake
A quick splash in the water; then back to the shore
Then it's off to the forest; to go play some more
These special dogs are back home; up in heaven above
They're cradled in God's arm's; and covered with His love
We'll light a candle for all of them; in the dark of night
In loving memory of all; these very special knights
By John Quealy

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The PDRK is at it again

I have a friend from high school who started at the LA County Sheriff's Office in 1990. When I caught up with him on "My Space" around 2002 he was so happy living in Los Angeles. By the time I checked in with him on Facebook around 10 years later, he was already planning on a retirement away from his adopted home state. I can see why, including this: 

Calif. bill banning use of police K-9s for arrests, crowd control passes 1st vote (

...Assembly Bill 742 passed on a 6-2 vote in the Public Safety Committee, KRCA
The bill prevents the use of police K-9s for the purpose of arrest, apprehension, or crowd control in the following ways: 

  • No use of an unleashed K-9 to arrest or apprehend a person. 

  • No use of a K-9 for crowd control at any assembly, protest, or demonstration. 

  • A K-9 cannot be used in any circumstance to bite. 

The bill will now advance to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. 

I cannot tell you how much this infuriates me. People who will never have to deal with taking a suspect into custody, controlling rioters (not protestors, rioters, such as the George Floyd riots of 2020), or having a suspect with a weapon are going to limit the weapons the cops on the street have. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to go to an alarm call, find signs of entry (e.g., door open, window smashed) and had the assistance of a patrol K9. For those of you who have not entered a house looking for a suspect, the K9 and his handler enter, usually with another officer following. The handler controls the dog, the escorting officer covers the K9 team, and they can find a suspect much quicker than a human. German Shepard’s sense of smell is at least 10, 000 times better than that of a human. He finds the bad guys and just the sound or presence of the dog gets the suspect to surrender And these racist idiots will endanger the lives of countless cops and civilians with this. 

I've said it too many times recently, cops, join the fire department. They don't want us working, we'll oblige. But it's too dangerous right now being a cop.

Officer Down



Detective Sergeant Nicholas Pepper
Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana
End of Watch Sunday, April 2, 2023
Age 44
Tour 24 years, 6 months
Cause Vehicular assault
Weapon Automobile
Offender Arrested
Detective Sergeant Nick Pepper was killed when his vehicle was intentionally rammed by a suspect during a vehicle pursuit on Louisiana Highway 1, near Kleinpeter Road, in Thibodaux at about 4:00 am.

Deputies were assisting the Houma Police Department after officers attempted to stop the vehicle for a traffic violation. Officers and deputies pursued the vehicle until it stopped near Lafourche Crossing. As officers issued commands to the subject, the man suddenly accelerated and intentionally drove into Sergeant Pepper's car. Sergeant Pepper was transported to Thibodaux Regional Health System where he succumbed to his injuries.

The subject was arrested and charged.

Sergeant Pepper had served with the Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office for 15-1/2 years and had served in law enforcement for 24 years. He had previously served with the Houma Police Department and the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, and son.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

K9 Down

K9 Duke
San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office, California
End of Watch Sunday, February 19, 2023
Tour 6 years
Cause Stabbed

K9 Duke was stabbed to death while attempting to apprehend a burglary suspect in a railyard in Tracy.

Officers with the Tracy Police Department had responded to a burglary at the railyard near Brichetto Road and Banta Road at about 12:00 pm. As officers arrived on the scene two men fled from the officers into the train yard. When K9 Duke arrived on the scene one of the men entered the engine room on one of the trains in the yard and barricaded himself inside.

Officers and deputies were able to create an opening to the engine room and K9 Duke was released for an apprehension. As he engaged the subject the man stabbed him multiple times. Officers were able to take the man into custody after he stabbed K9 Duke.

K9 Duke was taken to Central Valley Veterinarian Hospital, in Manteca, where he succumbed to his injuries.

K9 Duke had served with the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office for six years.
Rest in Peace Duke …till our next roll call at the Rainbow Bridge!
In Memory of all Police Dogs
They handled themselves with beauty & grace
And who could ever forget that beautiful face
Whether at work; or at home; whatever the test
They always worked hard; and did their best
They were real champions; at work or at play
But their lives were cut short; suddenly one day
While working on the job with their partner one day
They put themselves out on a limb; out into harms way
They gave the ultimate sacrifice; any dog can give
They gave up their life; so someone could live
The best of their breed; as his partner and anyone would say
Many hearts are now broken; that he had to prove it this way
Now as the trees are blowing in the gentle breeze
The sun is shining; thru the leaves on the trees
The meadows are green; and the grass grows tall
Off in the distance they can see a waterfall
As they look over the falls; down through the creek
The water flows gently; as a rabbit sneaks a peek
Far up above; in the deep blue sky
They see the birds soar high; as they fly by
They see animals playing; at the bridge by a waterfall
Chasing each other; and just having a ball
They play all day; from morning to night
There's no more rain; just warm sunlight
Off in the distance; they hear trumpets blow
Then all the animals look up; and notice a bright glow
The harps would play and the angels would sing
As they know they've come home; they've earned their wings
We remember that they died; in the line of duty
And are now with the Lord; sharing in heaven's beauty
Off to the meadows now; where they can play and roam free
With an occasional rest stop; under a tall oak tree
No more bad guys to chase; or bullets to take
Just a run through the meadow; down to the lake
A quick splash in the water; then back to the shore
Then it's off to the forest; to go play some more
These special dogs are back home; up in heaven above
They're cradled in God's arm's; and covered with His love
We'll light a candle for all of them; in the dark of night
In loving memory of all; these very special knights
By John Quealy

Monday, April 17, 2023

Officer Down

Police Officer Timothy James Unwin, III
Springfield Township Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Friday, March 31, 2023 Age 31
Tour 9 years

Police Officer Tim Unwin was killed in a vehicle crash at the intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Centerridge Avenue in North College Hill.

He was responding to an "officer needs assistance" call when his patrol car collided with another vehicle shortly after midnight. Officers from multiple jurisdictions were responding to the call when the crash occurred. The driver of the other vehicle was also killed in the crash.

Officer Unwin had served with the Springfield Township Police Department for two years. He had previously served with the Hamilton Police Department for two years and the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office for five years.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Texas at night

Years ago I saw a picture of the Korean Peninsula at night. Below the border, South Korea was light up almost entirely. Above the border, North Korea, after years of being the Worker's Paradise under three generations of the Kim's was almost completely dark. If there is a better example of the difference between freedom and tyranny, I don't know wha it is.

Well, found this recently, showing my adopted home state of Texas and how it looks at night. While it does have large spaces of darkness, there are massive centers of light in the major cities. I really love the southwest area around the Big Bend Nation Park. Almost no light. I've been meaning to go there for ages, and this makes me want to go even more. 

When I was a teenager, I was at a Boy Scout camp in the middle of Mississippi. On the ground just talking to someone, staring at the sky and it just hit me, "Look at all the stars!" No light pollution. It's getting harder and harder to find places like that in the US, but we can always hope to get there. Being in a place with that many stars just refreshes my soul, and gives you a taste of what you mean in the big picture. 

Enjoy the shot. 

Texas at night

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Leadership tips from one of the greats

Lieutenant General Hal Moore.

General of the Army George Marshall one said, "No army produces by a few great captains." I've had to explain to a few people GA Marshall was using the term captain as in captain of industry. The former Army Chief of Staff passed before LTG Moore came on the scene, but I'll say he would likely been impressed by the man. 

If you want a good lesson, read We Were Soldiers One, And Young, one of the finest books on leadership in battle you will find. The movie with Mel Brooks is very good, but it doesn't come close to showing the effort of all the men in that battle, from the privates up to then Lieutenant Colonel Moore. 

In my studies of leaders, I often find then have some advise for other up and coming leaders. LTG Moore is no exception. Here are some things to remember as things get tough.

Battling Impossible Odds: Hal Moore’s 4 Principles of Leadership

“A leader is paid to do three things: Get the job done and get it done well. Plan ahead—be proactive, not reactive. Exercise good, sound judgment in doing all of the above.” – Lt. Gen. Harold Moore
Good summary sir. Then again complex items are best explained simply. 

Here are the Four Principles:
1. Three strikes and you’re not out.

War is a battle of wills. And the battle isn’t over until you stop fighting. Life kind of works the same way.

2. There’s always one more thing you can do to influence any situation in your favor, and after that there’s one more thing.

Never give up, never surrender, and never stop fighting. There are always options.

3. When nothing is wrong, there’s nothing wrong – except that there’s nothing wrong.

When something seems too good to be true, it’s because it is too good to be true.

4. Trust your instincts.

You’re worked hard, trained hard, and studied hard. When all else fails, trust your gut. It’s ready. Your subconscious knows and sees more than you can, especially in the heat of battle. Trust it.

 I can't say I've used these four principles to their full extent over the years, and I wish I would have seen this earlier in my working life. Hell, college life. One thing young people need to know beside technology, leadership is the most critical factor in success in any endeavor. 

RIP LTG Moore. A Great Captain. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

I just gotta get a message to you...

The message? There were music videos before MTV. But they were not called that.

It was a short film of the group playing their song for a TV variety show or American Bandstand. Hi tech, by no means, there was no high tech. and not budge, not to mention no MTV (Before that great thing was prevented into another reality TV s^&*hole).

Anyway, from the pre-disco and disco era, a great song about love, loosing it, and what you will do to get it back. A classic theme of many a good poem and song. 

The Bee Gees and their great song, I just gotta get a message to you.

I'm off on a motorcycle ride tomorrow. Have a great weekend. 

Officer Down

Police Officer Garrett Crumby
Huntsville Police Department, Alabama
End of Watch Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Age 36
Tour 11 years
Cause Gunfire

Police Officer Garrett Crumby was shot and killed while responding to a shots fired call at the 4600 block of Governors House Drive at 4:45 pm.

A female called 911 and reported that she had been shot. When Officer Crumby and another officer responded, they were ambushed by the subject.

Both officers were transported to Huntsville Hospital where Officer Crumby succumbed to his wounds. The other officer remains in critical condition.

The subject was taken into custody and charged with capital murder of a law enforcement officer.
Officer Crumby had served with the Huntsville Police Department for three years and previously served with the Tuscaloosa Police Department for eight years. He is survived by his wife, mother, father, and three sisters.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Officers Down

Sergeant David Poirrier
Baton Rouge Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Sunday, March 26, 2023
Age 47
Tour 17 years

Corporal Scotty Canezaro
Baton Rouge Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Sunday, March 26, 2023
Age 38
Tour 16 years

Sergeant David Poirrier and Corporal Scotty Canezaro were killed in a helicopter crash in a field off North Winterville Road, near U.S. 190 at Erwinville, at about 2:26 am.

The crew of the Robinson R-44 helicopter was sent to assist in the pursuit of a fleeing vehicle around 2 am. While in flight, the helicopter's tail rotor struck a tree before crashing into a field.

Sergeant Poirrier had served with the Baton Rouge Police Department for 17 years and was assigned to the Air Support Unit.

Corporal Canezaro had served with the Baton Rouge Police Department for 16 years and was assigned to the Air Support Unit.

Rest in Peace Gentlemen…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Officer Down


Patrolman Joseph Barlow
McAlester Police Department, Oklahoma
End of Watch Monday, March 20, 2023
Age 26
Tour 1 year, 7 months
Badge 114
Cause Automobile crash
Incident Date Friday, March 17, 2023

Patrolman Joseph Barlow succumbed to injuries received on March 17th, 2023, when he was struck head-on while escorting a funeral procession for a member of his department who had passed away.

The procession was traveling on Highway 75, near 151st Street S in Glenpool, when the pickup truck crossed the center line and struck his patrol car head-on. He was transported to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries three days later.

The driver of the truck was arrested and charged with causing an accident without carrying a driver’s license, reckless driving, and causing great bodily injury. First-degree manslaughter was charged after Patrolman Barlow passed away.

Patrolman Barlow was United States Army veteran and served with the McAlester Police Department for over one year. He is survived by his wife, toddler son, and mother.
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

These racist Dims really hate a successful black man.

The usual suspects are up in arms because over the last twenty years, Justice Clarence Thomas has taken trips with rich people. Were the Thomas's the guest of a rich benefactor, yes. It is an issue. Not really. From the article:

Report: Justice didn’t disclose luxury trips

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepted luxury trips around the globe for more than two decades, including travel on a superyacht and a private jet, from a prominent Republican donor without disclosing them, according to a new report.

ProPublica reported Thursday on an array of trips funded by Harlan Crow, a Dallas businessman. The publication said Thomas typically spends about a week every summer at Crow’s private resort in the Adirondacks. It said the justice also has vacationed at Crow’s ranch in East Texas and has joined Crow at the Bohemian Grove, an exclusive all-male retreat in California.

ProPublica cited a nine-day trip that Thomas and his wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, took to Indonesia in 2019, shortly after the court released its final opinions of the term. That trip, which included flights on Crow’s jet and island-hopping on a superyacht, would have cost the couple more than $500,000 if they had paid for it themselves, the publication said.

OK, they have taken some vacation time on the dime of other people. That never happens in government, right? But here is the critical point.

...Judges are prohibited from accepting gifts from anyone with business before the court. Until recently, however, the judicial branch had not clearly defined an exemption for gifts considered “personal hospitality...”

And he has never had an issue like that in 32 years on the court. How do I know that? Because if there was the slightest chance of it happening, it would be number 50 font top of the front page of every paper in this nation. 

Revised rules adopted by a committee of the Judicial Conference, the courts’ policymaking body, seek to provide a fuller accounting. The rules took effect March 14.

In other words, this is worthless. Justice Thomas followed the  rules of the court as they were at the time. We can only he will follow the new rules in future events.  In other words, a nothing-burger. The people complaining about this (and writing this article) should learn the term ex post facto.

But to hear some of the idiots on the left, this is throwing the court into chaos!

...Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard Durbin, D-Ill., vowed in a statement that his panel would take action in response to the report, calling Thomas’ behavior “simply inconsistent with the ethical standards the American people expect of any public servant, let alone a justice on the Supreme Court.”

Durbin and other Democrats renewed calls for the court to adopt a strict ethics code that would include a process for investigating alleged misconduct, and some Democrats called on Thomas to resign.

“This cries out for the kind of independent investigation that the Supreme Court — and only the Supreme Court, across the entire government — refuses to perform,” tweeted Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., who has sponsored legislation that would direct the court to adopt an ethics code.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., renewed her call for Thomas to step down Thursday, saying that the “degree of corruption is shocking — almost cartoonish...”

Little Dick Durbin is challenging the ethics of any American. That is rich.

"Almost cartoonish" AOC. I would say you got some gaul, but you're just clueless:

Ethics panel scrutinizes AOC over ‘Tax the Rich’ dress and Met Gala ensemble

The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) may have accepted impermissible gifts related to her attendance at the Met Gala in 2021, when she made headlines for wearing a white dress that said “Tax the Rich” in red letters on the back.

A June 2022 OCE report and materials released by the House Ethics Committee on Thursday show frustration from vendors about payments for hair and makeup services for the event being delayed for months, as well as payments for her Met Gala ensemble and other associated costs being paid months later.

In an interview with the OCE, Ocasio-Cortez said there was “a ball that was dropped” and that it was “deeply regrettable” that thousands of dollars worth of payments were delayed. She recalled following up with a campaign staffer several times about the need to pay for the services...

Try again AOC. I would call this outrageous, but it's typical leftist hypocrisy. 

Leftists, hate to tell you, Justice Thomas is going nowhere until he is ready to retire, or his time on Earth is done. And as you think of every attempt you make to take him down failed again, and again, I hope you seethe.

Friday, April 7, 2023

I Know There's Something Going On!

And it's more than the weekend.

I'm a 1983 graduate of Grace King High School in Metairie LA. Can't believe the 40 year reunion is coming up quick. And the parish wants to close the school! Acutally, reorganize the local schools, make a charter school out of the facility, split the current students to two other schools.

That sucks.

A few months back our Facebook alumni page asked us to list the songs of the year for us. So in honor of my 40 years of escape from Grace King, I'll start with some of them until the reunion in October.

Something about this song always hit me. Part of it is likely my ingrained paranoia. But, remember the unofficial motto of the old KGB, "Even paranoids have enemies." Or maybe is widsom of Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space 9, "Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life." Didn't know until recenltly Phil Collins played the drums on this song. That is banging noise to back up her pipes!

Fredia, I Know There's Something Going On!

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter.

Officer Down


Deputy Sheriff Jeremy McCain
Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office, Oklahoma
End of Watch Monday, March 20, 2023
Age 36
Tour 11 years
Cause Automobile crash Incident Date Friday, March 10, 2023 Deputy Sheriff Jeremy McCain succumbed to injuries received when his patrol car struck a gate at the Oklahoma Christian School at 4680 E 2nd Street in Edmund at 6:50 pm. He was leaving the school campus when his patrol vehicle struck a partially opened gate while driving less than 10 miles per hour. The gate crashed through his front windshield and pinned him in the vehicle. He was transported to OU Medical Center where he succumbed to his injuries 10 days later. Deputy McCain had served with the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office for 11 years. He is survived by his son
Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Bobby O'Rourke. Don't go away mad, just go away.

Interesting article on Robert Francis "Bobby" O'Rourke, former congressperson from Texas. I will not call him Beto, he's about as Hispanic as Elizabeth "Fauxahauntus" Warren is an Indian. But he didi give Ted Cruz a run for his money in 2018, but not for the real reason in this Texas Tribune article. 

Why Ted Cruz’s next reelection path looks smoother with Beto O’Rourke behind him
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz will be up for reelection next year, now a seasoned senator and established conservative leader. But Democrats are still holding out hope they can repeat the sensation of Beto-mania.

...O'Rourke's legacy

WASHINGTON — Six years ago, Ted Cruz was vulnerable. He was widely derided as Congress’ least likable Republican senator — by members of his own party. And in his home state, he was facing off against a barnstorming Democratic opponent so formidable that he was drawing GOP voters across the aisle.

Today the conservative iconoclast still elicits the strong emotions and frequent ire for his bombast and penchant for division. He still remains unafraid to buck his own party leadership when he feels it’s being insufficiently conservative. But as he gears up for his second reelection bid in 2024, Cruz is facing a different political terrain than he did in 2018.

He’ll run with more power in the Senate and more name recognition around the country. Trumpism has elevated combative lawmakers in Cruz’s mold within the GOP. And as his party has taken rightward turns over the past decade, Cruz steadily polls as one of the most popular figures among Texas Republicans...

...The question for Texas Democrats is how will they fare without the star power and fundraising prowess of Beto O’Rourke, who let Democrats come within three percentage points from winning statewide office in his bid against Cruz for the first time in decades. Both Republicans and Democrats say they have forces working in their favor this election cycle...

O’Rourke hasn’t made any indication that he’ll run. He didn’t answer the Tribune’s attempts for an interview, and his former campaign staff said they don’t know his plans. Operatives in both parties stressed the El Pasoan’s unique, prodigious talent as a major factor in 2018. O’Rourke’s three high-profile runs for higher office left behind robust statewide infrastructure for future Democratic candidates, but a new Democrat will also have to recreate a cultural wave and innovative strategy to replicate O’Rourke’s near win, operatives in both parties said...

O’Rourke’s 2018 run failed to break his party’s drought in Texas, but Democrats are quick to point out he succeeded in making a statewide race competitive in Texas for the first time in years. His backers stress O’Rourke’s efforts made the rest of the country aware of what’s possible for Democrats in the state, if only they have the resources needed to win.

O’Rourke broke ground for Democrats in his aggressive volunteer mobilization, ambitious ground operations visiting every county in the state and novel ventures into digital advertising on social media and text messages. His campaign targeted new voters to mobilize, hosting at times four or five town halls per day while he was still a congressman. It was a strategy he continued in his 2022 run against Gov. Greg Abbott, aiming to knock on at least 5 million doors before the election.

“The most important thing a campaign like that leaves behind is people,” said Zack Malitz, who was the field director for O’Rourke’s 2018 campaign. “The volunteer army you build doesn’t go anywhere.”

His ability to capture national attention also brought in record amounts of out-of-state dollars to his campaign, as he outraised Cruz by over $33 million in the 2018 Senate race...

In "breaking ground" they mean not focusing like he should, dead on there. Campaigning in  some counties where there is no population is a waster of time. Loving County TX has a population of 169 (up from 82 in 2010). Makes a point on a flyer, but you must focus your attention on where the voters are (Dallas, Houston, etc).

No question, a lot of liberal money from the east and west coast flooded into Texas in 2018. And towards the end, the powers that be asked Bobby for some of it back, knowing he was not going to win, but he could help with some other races. He refused, and now that he's a three time loser, the Democratic party is not going to put out a major support for O'Rourke.

I gave Cruz money in 2012, when he ran as the opposition candidate of David Dewhurst, the former lieutenant governor. The senate seat was his as payback for being a good party man over the years. Thankfully Cruz upset the party, and has been a thorn in the side of the GOP establishment since. And I will be sending in some money soon enough. 

K9 Down


K9 Fredy
United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - Office of Field Operations, U.S. Government
End of Watch Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Breed German Shepherd
Gender Male
Age 7
Tour 5 years

K9 Fredy suffered a fatal heart attack during training at 5:00 pm.

While training at an off-site facility, K9 Fredy collapsed. Despite life-saving measures at the facility and the Red Bank Animal Hospital, K9 Fredy could not be resuscitated.

K9 Fredy played a role in a dozen narcotics seizures and carried out hundreds of thousands of searches during his five-year law enforcement career with the United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - Office of Field Operations.
Rest in Peace Freddy…till our next roll call at the Rainbow Bridge!
In Memory of all Police Dogs
They handled themselves with beauty & grace
And who could ever forget that beautiful face
Whether at work; or at home; whatever the test
They always worked hard; and did their best
They were real champions; at work or at play
But their lives were cut short; suddenly one day
While working on the job with their partner one day
They put themselves out on a limb; out into harms way
They gave the ultimate sacrifice; any dog can give
They gave up their life; so someone could live
The best of their breed; as his partner and anyone would say
Many hearts are now broken; that he had to prove it this way
Now as the trees are blowing in the gentle breeze
The sun is shining; thru the leaves on the trees
The meadows are green; and the grass grows tall
Off in the distance they can see a waterfall
As they look over the falls; down through the creek
The water flows gently; as a rabbit sneaks a peek
Far up above; in the deep blue sky
They see the birds soar high; as they fly by
They see animals playing; at the bridge by a waterfall
Chasing each other; and just having a ball
They play all day; from morning to night
There's no more rain; just warm sunlight
Off in the distance; they hear trumpets blow
Then all the animals look up; and notice a bright glow
The harps would play and the angels would sing
As they know they've come home; they've earned their wings
We remember that they died; in the line of duty
And are now with the Lord; sharing in heaven's beauty
Off to the meadows now; where they can play and roam free
With an occasional rest stop; under a tall oak tree
No more bad guys to chase; or bullets to take
Just a run through the meadow; down to the lake
A quick splash in the water; then back to the shore
Then it's off to the forest; to go play some more
These special dogs are back home; up in heaven above
They're cradled in God's arm's; and covered with His love
We'll light a candle for all of them; in the dark of night
In loving memory of all; these very special knights
By John Quealy

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Officer Down


Detective Sergeant Mason Griffith
Hermann Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Sunday, March 12, 2023
Age 34
Tour 12 years
Badge 503
Cause Gunfire

Detective Sergeant Mason Griffith was shot and killed at Casey's Convenience Store at 115 Highway 19 in Hermann around 9:30 pm.

Sergeant Griffith and another officer were responding to a disturbance at a convenience store. When the officers arrived, a shootout occurred. Both officers were shot. One officer is in serious but stable condition. Sergeant Griffith succumbed to his injuries at Hermann Area District Hospital.

The subject shot both officers and fled the scene. He has a long history of criminal charges, with multiple outstanding felony warrants. Additionally, there is a warrant for his arrest for not showing up to court in 2022. He barricaded himself in a home near the shooting and was taken into custody the next day at 2 pm by the Missouri Highway Patrol SWAT team. He has been charged with Murder 1st degree, Assault 1st Degree/serious physical injury or special victim, two counts of Armed Criminal Action, and one count of Unlawful Possession of a firearm.

Sergeant Mason had served with the Hermann Police Department for over 12 years and was the part-time Chief of Police of the Rosebud Police Department and Reserve Deputy Sheriff of the Gasconade County Sheriff's Office. He is survived by his wife, two sons, mother, and father.

Rest in Peace Bro…We Got The Watch

Nemo me impune lacessit

Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, From the hills, From the sky. All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.