Monday, October 4, 2010

If you need Fritz Mondale's help, it's bad....

Recently The American Spectator publicly posted what many of us believe, that B Hussein Obama is a worse president than James Earl Carter.

Now Jimmy's Veep is saying Obama is using a teleprompter as an "idiot board".  Won't deny that BO's use of them is beyond belief...but Walt, the problem is not the "idiot boards" but the idiot reading from the boards.

Mondale: Obama's teleprompters are 'idiot boards,' keep him from connecting with audiences Washington Examiner
By: Byron York

Former Vice President Walter Mondale said on CNN that President Obama relies too much on teleprompters -- which Mondale called "idiot boards" -- when speaking to the American people.

In a discussion of whether Obama projects empathy in his speeches, the 82 year-old Mondale said the president "has got to connect with the American people." When CNN host Wolf Blitzer asked why Obama has not shown more empathy, Mondale answered, "I've seen places where he's done it. The Milwaukee speech, I thought was terrific. I think some of these backyard events are terrific. But I think he -- he's very bright -- as a matter of fact, brilliant. And I think he tends to -- and he uses these idiot boards to read speeches on television and I think he loses the connection that he needs emotionally with American voters."

"You're talking about the teleprompters that he always has when he's delivering a formal speech?" Blitzer asked.

"Yes, right," Mondale said.

"And he's reading it, basically from the teleprompter," Blitzer said.


"You don't think that works, is that what you're saying?" Blitzer asked.

"Yes," Mondale answered. "You know if you're looking at the teleprompter, you're here, you're here, you're here, and your audience is right there. And I think he needs to do more of that."
Walt, Reagan kicked your ass for, among many reasons, he said things he believed.  The problem with B Hussein Obama (again, among other things) is he only believes he deserves power and he hates this country, believes it should be gotten even with.  And he will be the one to do the "getting even with".

Damned I can't wait for this man to be just a bad memory for the country.

1 comment:

  1. WEll put Mike. As our "beloved President" is a member of the "Black Liberation Theology" ... it's all about "payback time". His actions speak louder than words.

    "Drink 'em if you got 'em"
