Friday, November 11, 2011

More on life, a long drive, Obamacare ....

My friend Darren at RotLC sent me this quote attributed to Donald Trump about Obamacare:
Donald Trump says it pretty clearly: "Let me get this straight...We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are FORCED TO PURCHASE and FINED if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least 10 MILLION MORE PEOPLE, without adding a SINGLE NEW DOCTOR, but provides for 16,000 NEW IRS AGENTS, written by a committee whose chairman says he DOESN'T UNDERSTAND IT, PASSED by a Congress THAT DIDN'T READ it, and signed by a president who SMOKES, with FUNDING administered by a treasury chief who DIDN'T PAY HIS TAXES, for which WE'LL be TAXED FOR 4 YEARS BEFORE ANY BENEFITS TAKE EFFECT, by a government which has ALREADY BANKRUPTED SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is OBESE and FINANCED by a country that is BROKE!!! What the HELL could possibly go wrong?"
Kinda links up with some pleasant news from this morning. As many of you know I'm kinda married. Beth and I got engaged a little over a year ago and we registered as common law to get the girls under my insurance. One of the cool things about that is we can claim the girls on taxes. Well....

I made a mistake on one of the SSNs on the 1040. I typed "9" when I should have entered "0". After getting the letter saying I owed the mob, err IRS (I should not insult the Mafia like that) 250 we sent in a response with a corrected 1040, copies of the marriage license, birth certificates and SSNs. Real simple......

I mailed off then response in May and waited...and waited....and waited. In July I finally got a letter saying the letter I mailed in May was finally started in July and

...Although we try to respond quickly, extensive research is often required. At this time we are unable to provide a complete response because:

Due to the heavy workload, we have not yet completed our research to resolve you inquiry....
The research required is to read the attached 1040 and other documentation. I guess that's to much for the IRS to handle.

On November 3 I get another letter from the best know home grown terrorist organization in America and they have an update:
...Although we try to respond quickly, extensive research is often required. At this time we are unable to provide a complete response because:
Due to the heavy workload, we have not yet completed our research to resolve you inquiry....
Today I did get a pleasant surprise when I checked the bank and my refund is finally here. A simple typo on the tax return of a middle class family of four, the response has documentation and this is about a 1600 dollar tax refund. That took six months to clear up.

Hey Obamates out there, Obamacare doesn't need a Death Panel. By the time they decide to fund your hang nail surgery or cancer treatment you will have croaked of old age.

Otherwise a long weekend. Headed to Houma LA for the funeral of Beth's aunt. She lived a great life and she is in a better place now.

Hope you have a great weekend and thank a veteran today.


  1. I mistyped Austin's SSN several years ago; it didn't take *this* long to clear it up!

  2. Someone suggested it may be because it was the first year I had dependents on my return...still six months. I was wondering if it would be finished by the time I file for 2011.
