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Friday, February 8, 2013

No thanks California, we like it here.

Over the last two weeks Governor Rick Perry has been in California trying to lure business to the Lone Star State. To say this has upset some of the locals like Governor "Moonbeam" Brown is an understatment. Brown said in reposne "Anyone with half a brain is coming to California!"

True Governor, a lot of your state's process of thinking is half brained so these people will fit right in. In Texas we'll take the people with full brains.

but not be outdone here is the Sacramento Bee showing it's opinion. I can't knock them for one thing, it is in an editorial, not on the front page under "news".

Editorial: Pity Rick Perry; his big state has big needs
Published Wednesday, Feb. 06, 2013

Poor Texas. With its high dropout rate, lack of health insurance coverage and economic disparities, the Lone Star State appears to be desperate, or least its governor is. How else to explain Gov. Rick Perry's unseemly radio ads attempting to lure businesses away from California?

I don't know...maybe it's because businesses mean jobs for people, economic development, a better standard of living, more tax revenue. I know California isn't interested in that.
"Building a business is tough, but I hear building a business in California is next to impossible," the Republican governor says in the ad. "This is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and I have a message for California businesses: Come check out Texas."

Yes, come check out Texas. Check out a state that ranks dead last in the percent of its population with high school diplomas. Come check out a state that is last in mental health expenditures and workers' compensation coverage. Come check out a state that ranks first in the number of executions, first in the number of uninsured, first in the amount of carbon dioxide emitted and first in the amount of toxic chemicals released into water

Check out California, a state with trillions in unfounded pension liabilities. Where in many parts of the state you can pay over half of your income in taxes but "you are not paying your 'fair shar'". But that fact is not stoping them from spending billions on a fast rail from no where to no where. Where one of the finest agricultural regions on the planet has been shut down because of a bug and they are closing non-poluting hydroelectric power for fish. And yes, Texas uses the death penalty and we are proud of it. Here we have a concept your on the West Coast (And East Coast for that matter) find strange. You commit a capital crime, you should pay for it, including with your life. You kill a cop and it's a most like direct route to death row. And that is the way it should be.
Texas certainly has some attractions for business, and California certainly needs to work harder to create a friendly place to start companies and grow jobs. But California is creating businesses all the time, partly because of our natural assets – great weather and stunning mountains, beaches and deserts – and an excellent although underfunded system of higher education.

If we invest in that system and protect our environment, our state will continue to create companies such as Apple, Google, Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Craigslist, Yelp, Twitter, Sun Microsystems, Genentech, Cisco, Intel and Qualcomm, and the list goes on and on.

Strange, most of the large computer companies you mention there were built when the state was not a leftist nuthouse. And many of the big businesses are leaving the state to avoid the regulations, etc. On that subject a friend in the People's Republic told me last night if he wanted to put in a water heater into his house he needed a permit from the city. I would say that's ridiculous but unfortunately it's all too typical. But one point made here shows how absurd this iditorial board is. Cities, counties, states and the federal government do not create companies like Apple, Google, etc. People, pursuing their own goals and desires, create companies. These companies as a rule have only one purpose. To make money for the owners. Positive side effects of this process include jobs for people directly hired by the company and indirectly by the wealth generated, also tax revenue. But leftist (like Governor Moonbeam and the SacBee's iditorial board) react to that like the devil to holy water.
Gov. Jerry Brown, visiting a UPS distribution center Tuesday to celebrate a new fleet of all-electric vehicles, suggested that media hounds find something else to cover than the Perry ads. "It's not a serious story, guys," the governor told reporters. "It's not a burp. It's barely a fart."

Actually, we think it's more than a fart. It's a cry for help. Perry can't create jobs, he can only steal them from other states. His campaign for the Republican presidential nomination was a joke. His beloved Dallas Cowboys haven't been in the Super Bowl since 1996.
Really great language for an educated man...and editorial board. But they did say one thing right here. Perry cannot create jobs. Neither can Brown. They can only make the enviroment right so job creators (aka businesses) can prosper. Texas has it right, California has it wrong, it's as simple as that. Texas in the last few years has seen great job growth while people are leaving California in droves. What is bad is the state that was formerly know as the Golden State and where you wanted to go to build a business is loosing it's indigenous population so fast it hasn't gained a single congressional seat for the first time in a century. Oh, Texas added four.
...Obviously, Texas can be better and wants to be better. Californians should help it out.

As the late Molly Ivins said of her native Texas, "It's a low-tax, low-service state – so shoot us. The only depressing part is that, unlike Mississippi, we can afford to do better. We just don't."

Please, Molly Ivins, that's like referring to B Hussein Obama on humility or Bubba Clinton on fidelity. Have fun California as you default on your bonds, your once working population leaves the state and you are left to deal with the wreck that remains.

To the good people of California, look at Texas as Motel 6. We'll leave the light on for you!