Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Police abuse, so called....

A friend of mine showed me this video of Houston Police taking a couple of Houston's not finest into custody.

Now after seeing a bad situation being handled pretty well, I just happened to see this on the side and the mask perked by interest:

Obviously the suspect has been handled rather hard. He is also a capital murder suspect, having a murdered a cop in police headquarters and on the run, armed. He has shown himself more than capable of killing another man so forgive me if the officers out there will be rather up tight when they go after him. And if he was severely arrested, oh well. I don't see any evidence that five men held him down while another officer kicked him in the face. What I do see is him in a face shield to keep him from spitting. Perhaps a man who knows he's on his way to prison for the rest of his life was spitting at the officers and they had enough.

The story did mention they officers were cleared in the arrest. Too bad the sack of s^&* won't be facing execution but not every state capital punishment. But again, this Court TV video only shows one side of an issue. With yellow journalism like like you should get a Pulitzer Prize soon.

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