Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Monday, March 5, 2012

It begins...the vetting of B Hussein Obama

Last week I mentioned how in death Andrew Breitbart would actually do what the major media refused to do in 2008 (and continues to not do), vet B Hussein Obama's qualifications for the Presidency.

It has started.

From the Big Government, a poster of a Alinsky love movie with a post movie discussion featuring such moderates as Studds Terkel and get ready, Senator Barrack Obama.

Now why wasn't this shown in 07/08? Hey Mrs Clinton, maybe you should have tried this and you might have gotten the nomination.

You know, let's do our own version of the Rather hit piece from 04, where Danny boy tried to say Bush wasn't doing his National Guard duty. Or the late hit piece in 2000 about a 25 year old DWI where they had the information for months but for some reason choose the best time to release it was days from the election.

I have no doubt more is coming and I pray they have saved the best for last. Thanks Andrew...RIP and I know you're gonna enjoy this like us.

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