Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who Wants to Take a Shot

Enough said!


  1. I'm reminded of that popular add on to the video game "DOOM". In it ... you would come across a room with Barney in it, and, you would subsequently blast him to smithereens. In the immortal words of my spouse "THAT was VERY theraputic".

  2. One of Beth's girls had a good one:

    "I hate you, you hate me,
    Let's get together and kill Barney"

  3. I'm not going to repeat Al Barron's version of the song. Mike, if you recall, it almost got us kicked out of the premiere of Jurassic Park (in 90mm dolby) in Jefferson Parish. Unfortunately, we had eaten too much, and drank too much at Morten Anderson's bar/gril and the movie was a way to "sober up" before the drive home. Given the price of the movie I was (thanks to the alcohol content) prepared to spend a night in jail (also thanks to the alcohol, not remembering the tales of good ole' Jefferson Parish Harry Lee buttocks wupins on said delequents).

  4. That would not be the first time Al's mouth has almost gotten my ass kicked and it probably will not be the last...

    It got to the point when we were driving thru "Da Hood" ert to UNO I woluld grab my CB-PA mike so he could not make said "unsensitive" comments to the people in the neighborhood
