Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Elmer misses me

Daddy, come back in!
As I sit on the front porch smoking a cigar, drinking a scotch I am reviewing more stuff to get ready for the test and Elmer is watching me from the front of the house. Damned I hate reading this crap!

Less than four weeks and I know I’m gonna be at a library daily. But I’m wondering what’s happened to libraries now. I’ve had to get up with a over multiple times this week to tell people if they want to keep talking on the cell phone to take it outside. Or to “keep it down” when they start laughing out loud. And they look at me like “what’s your problem?!” God forbid you control you kid lady, if he wants to play around take him to the children’s section which is away from the people trying to study.

Damned I’ll be glad when this is over. I miss Elmer. I miss working. And I’m looking forward to a long ride on the bike to clear my head of this.

June 27th can’t come soon enough.

Elmer, Daddy will be back soon, I promise!

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