Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The State of the Union and what we need to celebrate.

I for one will not be watching tonight's State of the Union. I've seen enough of the man-child for my life and I know what he will be saying is a lie at best and generally showing himself as a self-aggrandizing tyrant. It's gonna be funny to hear B Hussein talk about Global Warming, err Climate Change in 20 degree weather and snow. But I digress.

In 1982, President Reagan started the "tradition" of guests in the First Lady's box, presenting to the country Lenny Skutnik, a CBO employee who, like millions of Americans before, preformed extraordinary acts when called upon. On January 13th, he save a woman in the Potomac River after the crash of Air Florida Flight 90. After Reagan introduced him, the President said:
Just two weeks ago, in the midst of a terrible tragedy on the Potomac, we saw again the spirit of American heroism at its finest the heroism of dedicated rescue workers saving crash victims from icy waters.

And we saw the heroism of one of our young Government employees, Lenny Skutnik, who, when he saw a woman lose her grip on the helicopter line, dived into the water and dragged her to safety.
A real leader praises those who have accomplished when call upon. Now we know that would never occur to B Hussein who would claim credit for the sun rise each day if he could get away with it. One of the people that will be in a congressman's box tonight is Stafford TX Police Officer Ann Carrizales, who was shot twice last fall and followed her shooters for almost ten miles at speeds exceeding 90 mph. I wonder if our man-child in chief will mention her bravery as an example of American exceptionalism, or that the shooters were all illegal aliens, oh, undocumented immigrants, here to do the crimes Americans won't do anymore? I know, you can laugh now.

But while checking out NY Pravda, err Times a few days ago I caught this and it was interesting. Who this leftist rag thinks should be in the First Lady's box and why. Now I find this teacher, or this teacher working with former convicts and former prisoner's stories quite uplifting, showing how people can rise from the bottom, doing their best when at the bottom, overcoming adversity and making more of themselves. But for some reason NYT, I'll bet B Hussein would like your other suggestions:

A Former Critic of Obamacare: Hey, he's gonna have to get the disaster of his signature achievement, destruction of the finest health care system on earth behind him. This may help.

An N.R.A. Member Who Supports Background Checks: Now this is really funny. The suggestion came in from
"Daniel Webster is a professor and the director of the Center for Gun Policy and Research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore."

Is this the same Bloomberg, the multi-billionaire former Mayor of New York with his fraud group Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

A Female Veteran of Combat: To show this woman for her service and recognize her heroism. No, to push for women in infantry, which is a disaster currently unfolding in the Pentagon.

A Scientist Warning About Climate Change: Enough said. Maybe you can get the ALGORE in, if he can make it from the airport through the snow.

A Walmart Employee on Strike: Now this uninteresting. The statement of the article:

Anthony Goytia works for America’s largest employer - Walmart. For over a year, he has toiled as an overnight stock associate, yet Anthony is still part-time at $9.60 an hour. Anthony has asked for a raise and full-time hours, but Walmart – despite its billions – said no to this father of three. So Anthony went on strike this year, calling on Walmart to treat its employees with respect.

Gee, will they may the point people are not getting full time employment because Obamacare requires everyone over 30 hours to be provided a HMO that cost thousands. Or that the Wal-Mart insurance plan, which was very popular with its employees, was stopped because the of the actions of B Hussein Obama? Naa, I don't think so.

I think I'll work on my paper instead.

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