Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And you know these people will need portable toilets....

This is a classic...

D.C. toilet shortage is Keeping Fear Alive
About 65,000 are expected to attend the Comedy Central rallies Oct. 30.
That's all you expect...after all the free publicity to counter Glen Beck's rally...this is all you can do.
The calls of nature may be particularly loud at an upcoming D.C. event if attendees don't have a place to "go."

Comedy Central organizers are having a hard time finding port-o-potties for their rallies to take place in a week and a half, after the Marine Corps Marathon planners snatched up about 800 of them for the same weekend.
Excuse me...they Marines didn't "snatch" anything.  The planned for an annual event and part of the planning was for "comfort support"...they do this kinda routinely.
The organizers of Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert's March to Keep Fear Alive, both to take place Saturday, Oct. 30, have asked the marathon staff to share the portable toilets with their 65,000 expected to attendees.

But the Marines aren't budging -- they plan to lock the toilets until the morning of their race the day after, they tell the New York Times....
You know these idiots would leave them slimy...hopefully the Marines have a guard on them!


  1. I know someone who ran the marathon. OOOORAH! I love this!

  2. Knowing the people who will attned this they will probably just use the trees
