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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The next Senator from Florida...and Social Security

I mentioned in a recent post how France is moving to raise the retirement age, something we need to do. I'm glad to see there is at least one senator who will work on this.

Fla. GOP candidate favors raising retirement age

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Marco Rubio wants Americans to work longer and retire later to places like Florida, a stand that has drawn criticism from his Senate rivals and unnerves some in the Sunshine State where one out of every seven residents gets a Social Security check.

As the nation grapples with the fast-growing insolvency of entitlement programs, likely Republican nominee Rubio has proposed raising the retirement age and cutting benefits to younger workers. Rubio wants to raise the full-retirement age, which now ranges from 65 to 67 depending on a person's birth year, until it reaches 70 in the next century. He would exempt people currently over 55.

He also favors allowing workers to invest part of their payroll taxes on their own. That plan is similar to one that was advanced by former President George W. Bush six years ago and proved so controversial that Republicans then in control never brought it to a vote in either House of Congress.

"It's just going to have to be reformed because if left to its current status then it bankrupts itself and then it bankrupts America," said the 38-year-old Rubio. "If the system is now taking in less money than it's paying out, then it's only going to get worse as we have less workers and more retirees."

Great to see he wants to handle the problem...now what about his competition....

His likely Democratic rival, Rep. Kendrick Meek, favors the creation of a bipartisan commission to examine the Social Security program. Gov. Charlie Crist, who recently abandoned the Republican Party to run as an independent, has called for giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship, arguing that more money would flow into the system.

We can't have enough bipartisan commissions...or illegal immigrants.

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