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Monday, November 29, 2010

Again, why do Jews vote for Democrats

I've often asked that question because the Democrats have often pushed Israel to trade land for peace...in other words give away the state one bit of a time instead of all at once like famous Anti-Semite Helen Thomas.  It was Nixon who stopped the Soviets from entering the 73 Yom Kippur War by raisin g the DEFCON  to 3/

Now another example of this.  Here is John F Kerry the haughty, French looking Massachusetts Democrat who by the way served in Vietnam, thinks Israel should cede more land for peace.  Something good came from Wikileaks. 
John F Kerry, who lost the competition for Secretary of State to Mrs Bill Clinton is showing how clueless he is in Middle Eastern affairs.  I'm shocked, shocked he hasn't been named Arab Israeli Czar by B Hussein Obama.  But again this shows how the Democratic Party is the worst enemy Israeli has.
WikiLeaked: John Kerry calls for Israel to cede Golan Heights and East Jerusalem - By Josh Rogin The Cable

On a February trip to the Middle East, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman John Kerry (D-MA) told Qatari leaders that the Golan Heights should be returned to Syria, that a Palestinian capital should be established in East Jerusalem as part of the Arab-Israeli peace process, and that he was "shocked" by what he saw on a visit to Gaza....

...As for the peace process, Kerry defended the Obama administration's drive to use indirect proximity talks (which were only being discussed at that time) as a stepping stone to direct talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. He said the two sides should first agree on the amount of land to be swapped and then work on borders, followed by settlements.

Kerry also said that final agreement would have to include a Palestinian state with a capital in East Jerusalem.
"Any negotiation has its limits, added Senator Kerry, and we know for the Palestinians that control of Al-Aqsa mosque and the establishment of some kind of capital for the Palestinians in East Jerusalem are not negotiable," the cable stated, summarizing the meeting with the emir. "For the Israelis, the Senator continued, Israel's character as a Jewish state is not open for negotiation. The non-militarization of an eventual Palestinian state and its borders can nonetheless be resolved through negotiation."

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