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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three quarters of the punks who tore up London were criminals before the riots...what a shocker

I would have figured 80-90%.

This, is London.
'Broken' penal system caused riots claims Ken Clarke, as he reveals three-quarters of adults charged had criminal records

Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke has blamed last month’s riots on a ‘broken penal system’ that has failed to rehabilitate what he describes as the hardcore ‘criminal classes’.

He revealed that almost 75 per cent of those aged over 18 charged with offences committed during the riots had prior convictions.

Mr Clarke said reform was vital to prevent reoffending among ‘a feral underclass, cut off from the mainstream in everything but its materialism’.

He also expressed concern at ‘the instinctive criminal behaviour of apparently random passers-

His remarks will be seen as bitterly ironic by Right-wing Tory MPs, who blame the Justice Secretary for threatening their party’s reputation on law and order with a series of ‘soft sentencing’ policy proposals, which had to be overruled by Downing Street.

He said: ‘It’s not yet been widely recognised, but the hardcore of the rioters were in fact known criminals.

‘Close to three quarters of those aged 18 or over charged with riot offences already had a prior conviction.

‘That is the legacy of a broken penal system – one whose record in preventing reoffending has been straightforwardly dreadful...

Mr Clark, haven't you been the Justice Minister for over a year...doesn't this show your failure. I have to tell you but you seem to have missed it...you deter the repeat of criminal behavior by making sure the punishment make people say "I shouldn't do that."
...He declared prisoners would be handled in a robust manner, and those in prison would now face hard work and community sentences would become much tougher.

But Mr Clarke rejected criticism at the severity of sentences handed out to rioters, saying harsh punishments were necessary for those who had committed serious crimes.

He also said companies in charge of rehabilitating offenders would from now on be paid by their results, instead of merely completing processes...
...The Justice Secretary said the hardcore rioters - a 'feral underclass' - had not learned from their past punishments, which is why they reoffended

You seem to have come late to this realization but better late than never.
...The Secretary of State was keen to point out that the 'recipe' of a successful state lay in the most basic things - that citizens had a job, a strong family, a good education and sharing mainstream society's values and attitudes.

He also called for government action to tackle ‘an appalling social deficit’ revealed by August’s unrest...

Those things you have mentioned are basic to a culture and a society. And they are the things destroyed by the leftist since the 1960s. You will not change this until you start to encourage families to stay together, discourage single motherhood and rid your education system of multicultural crap.

I doubt that will happen soon.

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