Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Friday, December 6, 2013

New York's new Top Cop speaks...

Last month I posted on the Playboy interview with Ray Kelly, the outgoing Police Commissioner in New York. Well, got some good news from New York. The incoming idiot Gracie Manor actually has an actual cop going into and he's telling HIZONOEDAMAYER the truth.

Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has named William J. Bratton his Police Commissioner. In returning to the job he held under Rudolph Giuliani in the nineteen-nineties, Bratton will be in charge of fulfilling one of de Blasio’s most prominent campaign promises: to end the stop-and-frisk tactics that were such a prominent part of Michael Bloomberg’s record as Mayor.

But Bratton’s views on stop-and-frisk may be considerably different from those of his new boss. In May of this year, I profiled Shira Scheindlin, the federal judge who presided over the class-action lawsuit that challenged the N.Y.P.D.’s stop-and-frisk policies. In the course of reporting that piece, I interviewed Bratton, and we discussed stop-and-frisk in some detail.

Bratton emphatically endorsed stop-and-frisk as a police tactic. “First off, stop-question-and-frisk has been around forever,” he told me. “It is known by stop-and-frisk in New York, but other cities describe it other ways, like stop-question-and-frisk or Terry stops. It’s based on a Supreme Court case from 1968, Terry v. Ohio, which focused very significantly on it. Stop-and-frisk is such a basic tool of policing. It’s one of the most fundamental practices in American policing. If cops are not doing stop-and-frisk, they are not doing their jobs. It is a basic, fundamental tool of police work in the whole country. If you do away with stop-and-frisk, this city will go down the chute as fast as anything you can imagine.”

We also discussed the current controversy over stop-and-frisk under Raymond Kelly, Bloomberg’s Police Commissioner. “What you have right now is a controversy in which nobody really understands what they are fighting about,” Bratton said. “Stop-and-frisk is not a tool solely to look for guns. Unfortunately, both the Mayor and the Police Commissioner refer to it that way, and that’s a problem because so few guns are recovered. But so what? The vast majority of stops are for a wide variety of things. Is someone drinking a can of beer on the corner? You want to stop that behavior. If somebody is aggressively panhandling on the street, urinating against a building. Is there somebody that you suspect is casing a building? Or is that two guys just locked out of their apartment? Police officers notice what may be a burglary. Of course they should be noticing and investigating. There are countless examples of what you want police to do.”

Bratton said stop-and-frisk reflected his Broken Windows approach to police work. “This approach is the perfect example of what the city refused to do for thirty years, starting in 1960,” he said. “They stopped basically policing. The police were no longer engaging in controlling behavior in the streets and fare evasion in the subways. You have to take action against minor offenses. It has to be done respectfully, and it has to be done consistently, as Kelly has articulated, time and again. But it has to be done.”...

Yes guys, people in this country ain't that bright on law enforcement. I often look at them funny when they are shocked when I say "I don't need probably cause to stop a person..." or that we don't have to immediately read a suspect the Miranda Warning as he arrested. Sorry, Law and Order is not a good explanation of law enforcement.

Mr Bratton, good luck to you sir. You need it. You not only have to deal with an idiot mayor but with a city council very hostile to law enforcement. And the citizens of New York will have to live with it. But they voted for these morons, and that is the real problem.

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