Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Good AAR on searching.

Excellent video from PoliceOne.Com, showing how not searching fulling can lead to possible disaster.

Big lesson learned from when I was a rookie. I took custody of a suspect from two TAC Team officers who had searched him and I also searched him. I transported him to jail and booked him, where the jailers found the knife all three of us had missed. It was shoved into the top of his front jean pocket, just under his belt. Guess who gets the day off?

Lesson learned. From that day on every suspect has his pants pockets pulled out and they stay that way until he gets to jail I always have Ziploc bags with me and I place everything the turd owns in them. The only thing as a rule he keeps is his money.

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