Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The old sheepdog, craftier wolves and changing sheep.

Many people know of the sheepdog analogy of police with criminals and the public. Got this from another blog that puts a modern spin on it.
A Modern Sheepdog Fable

As the sheepdog heads out to the flock one morning, he was surprised to see the shepherd escort a few wolves in the gate to join the flock of sheep. Naturally the sheepdog runs over to the wolves and begins to growl and bite at them. The shepherd scolds the sheepdog, “That’s enough! These wolves just haven’t had a fair chance in life. Look at them, they’re just hungry. Why should we be the only ones to eat? All animals are equal. I want you to keep an eye on these wolves and protect the sheep, but be fair to the wolves. Be fair or else!”

The confused sheepdog can’t rest. He runs nonstop after the wolves who nip and bite at the sheep. One day, one of the wolves bit the sheepdog and the sheepdog bit back, but harder. The wolf yelped in pain and staggered back, whining and whimpering, making a scene. The other wolves growled and snapped at the sheepdog and howled from the pen and into the forest for the other wolves to respond.

A few sheep gathered around the scene to soak it all in. “Maybe the shepherd was right,” they thought. “For a wolf, he sure does seem quite scared and helpless. And the angry ones are terrifying, they frighten me. Did he really need to hurt the wolf so badly? Sheepdog won’t stand a chance against the whole pack. Maybe we should take their side. Maybe they will have mercy on us if we help them. They just haven’t had a fair chance in life like the shepherd said. We trust that the shepherd would never put us in danger. Sheepdog’s days are over – and good riddance, always telling us what to do. Who needs him anyway?”

The other sheep say nothing and don’t want to get involved. They just drop their heads down and eat some grass as the responding howls from within the forest grow closer and closer.

Today, look at our "leaders" who excuse sloth, gluttony, wrath, envy, naked aggression against others as long as the wolves bring in the votes.

And while there were dozens of witnesses to the "murder" of Michael Brown, in cites across the country people are murdered in broad daylight, in front of countess people and "nobody saw nothing" because they don't want to get involved, or they don't like cops.

Another part of the Bible comes to mind with this revised sheepdog story. Galatians 6:7-9 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap. You destroy what is needed to handle these animals (and yes, that is what they are, spend a year working in jail and tell me what you think) and you will destroy your society, security and life.

Happy New Year.

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