Police Work, Politics and World Affairs, Football and the ongoing search for great Scotch Whiskey!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Another website staffed by leftists is immediately given credibility by the 4th Estate

 About Police Leaders for Community Safety: Police Leaders for Community Safety is a 501(c)4 organization formed by leading law enforcement professionals. We are committed to promoting policies and public investments that enhance safety, improve policing, protect public processes, and uphold human dignity across America.


Sometimes you really have to say, “You really expect me to believe this?”

In today’s PoliceMag there was an article on how the group “Police Leaders for Community Safety” endorsed Kamila Harris for president. This is a group of senior police executives that was formed earlier this year, not a long-term police organization. It was formed on 6/11/24, yes, three and a half months ago. I looked at their website and found a few interesting press releases:


Statement of Sue Riseling, Chair of Police Leaders for Community Safety:


“We extend our deepest sympathies to the families and community members affected by the devastating mass shooting in Birmingham, Alabama. The frequency of mass shootings in our nation is completely unacceptable and it is clear that no community is immune. Policymakers have an obligation to urgently address this lethal epidemic of gun violence that is shattering lives and rocking communities across our nation…


Statement by Sue Riseling, Chair, Police Leaders for Community Safety:


“We are heartbroken by today’s events at Apalachee High School, which resulted in the tragic loss of life, injury and trauma to so many. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the impacted family and community. This horrific shooting underscores yet once again, that critical work must be done to ensure our schools are safe for learning and secure places for America’s children and teenagers. Our nation and our families must make concerted efforts through policy and personal action to keep firearms out of the wrong hands. 


“The frequency of these tragedies can no longer be met with momentary outrage followed by inertia. Our children’s lives depend on our courage to enact meaningful change. Policymakers must do more to prevent gun violence and ensure the availability of mental health resources for those in need… 


Statement by Sue Riseling, Chair, Police Leaders for Community Safety


We strongly condemn the apparent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump and the alarming political and gun violence facing our nation. Thanks to Secret Service agents – who valiantly performed their duties – and an alert bystander, the former President was unharmed, and the suspect was quickly and safely apprehended. 


According to news reports, this suspect is a convicted felon who should not have been able to access a firearm of any sort, but was able to acquire a military-style weapon capable of immense destruction. This incident serves as a stark reminder that military-style weapons in dangerous hands and our climate of political hostility are a dangerous mix. They threaten both individuals and our democracy.  


The time is now for Members of Congress on all sides of the political spectrum to come together to strengthen our nation’s gun laws, and for political leaders across our nation to encourage adherence to our democratic processes to resolve political differences – which is, of course, the foundation of our democracy…


Ms. Riseling, are you concerned by the Democratic leaders encouraging hostile actions against others they disagree with, like Chuck Schumer or Maxine Waters. Didn’t VP Harris encourage the BLM/George Floyd riots and contribute to a fund to bail out these domestic terrorists, that killed dozens and caused 1-2 billion dollars of property damage? Ms. Riseling, were you concerned your party encouraged the Antifa rioters? I think we know the answer. 


There is no “epidemic of gun violence” in this nation. An epidemic is a widespread disease. There is a wave of gun crime in this nation, cause by criminals who don’t care about breaking the law. That’s why they are called criminals. This crime wave is not solved by harassing lawful gun owners (that is akin to taking the keys from sober drivers to cut down on DWI cases).  The solution is to arrest them, try them, upon conviction put them away and if you don’t throw away the key, lose it for a long while. While they are in prison, they cannot commit crime on innocent people.


By the way, the largest and oldest police union in this country, the Fraternal Order of Police has endorsed President Trump. And the group representation ICE Agents, the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, endorsed Trump’s reelection. And the International Organization of Police Associations. And the National Association of Police Organizations. And the Florida PBA.


A few weeks back I posted on American Free News Network on how two “veterans groups” said veterans were horrified by former President Trump at Arlington National Cemetery with the families of 13 service members. The 13 who were killed in the biggest foreign policy disaster since Vietnam, the withdrawal from Afghanistan (the Harris and O’Biden disaster, I might add): 


What got me started on this was earlier this week I saw an article on The Daily Beast stating “Veterans Groups Condemn Trump’s Arlington National Cemetery Photo Op.” The article refers to VoteVets and Veterans for Responsible Leadership (VFRL), the latter they actually called “a non-partisan veterans’ organization” (I almost spit my coffee at that one). Neither of them is a true veteran’s organization, but liberal political groups pushing for leftist causes.


Yes, some liberal veterans put up a website and a few cell phones, the release a press statement. I would compare it to Month Python and the Life of Brian, but I won’t insult these great men (Monty Python) by comparing them to these wastes of oxygen.



Police (and veterans) are for the  most part a conservative group. And they are not represented by a group of liberal police executives who meet on a Zoom meeting, create a website, and start pushing for the Democratic nominee in hopes of getting a federal appointment in an O’Harris administration. Not to say there are not cops out there who will vote for Harris (or against Trump). But this group is just another worthless “association” of politicians who have worn badges and should not be taken as representatives of anyone but themselves.   


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