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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Liberals in London....at it again

Last month I posted on how in London because of (among other things) local zoning ordinances people have to go underground to expand their houses. Not to be outdone, the socialists in Britain want even more. They wanna kick Grandma out!

From Right, Wing-Nut!: British Now Looking To "Redistribute" Grandma's House
...The report, Hoarding of Housing, says: ‘While younger families are increasingly being squeezed into small flats and under-sized houses, older people are often rattling around in big houses with many bedrooms standing empty, often for years.’

Report co-author Matthew Griffiths said: ‘It is perfectly understandable that retired people cling to their home long after it has outlived its usefulness as a place to bring a family up in.

‘But there are profound social consequences of their actions which are now causing real problems in a country where new house building is almost non-existent.’...
Yo Moron, err Matt, maybe you should ask why new house building is non-existent. Could it be that restrictions on building, rent control, etc make construction a dying industry in England? You can find similar issues in cities like New York and Seattle. Suffice to say if you deliberately make housing and construction a business where you can't make a profit, there will be less of it. If the mental midgets in Parliament would read some basic books on supply and demand they might have a clue. Then loan the books to the current US President and Treasury Secretary.

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