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Saturday, April 15, 2023

Leadership tips from one of the greats

Lieutenant General Hal Moore.

General of the Army George Marshall one said, "No army produces by a few great captains." I've had to explain to a few people GA Marshall was using the term captain as in captain of industry. The former Army Chief of Staff passed before LTG Moore came on the scene, but I'll say he would likely been impressed by the man. 

If you want a good lesson, read We Were Soldiers One, And Young, one of the finest books on leadership in battle you will find. The movie with Mel Brooks is very good, but it doesn't come close to showing the effort of all the men in that battle, from the privates up to then Lieutenant Colonel Moore. 

In my studies of leaders, I often find then have some advise for other up and coming leaders. LTG Moore is no exception. Here are some things to remember as things get tough.

Battling Impossible Odds: Hal Moore’s 4 Principles of Leadership

“A leader is paid to do three things: Get the job done and get it done well. Plan ahead—be proactive, not reactive. Exercise good, sound judgment in doing all of the above.” – Lt. Gen. Harold Moore
Good summary sir. Then again complex items are best explained simply. 

Here are the Four Principles:
1. Three strikes and you’re not out.

War is a battle of wills. And the battle isn’t over until you stop fighting. Life kind of works the same way.

2. There’s always one more thing you can do to influence any situation in your favor, and after that there’s one more thing.

Never give up, never surrender, and never stop fighting. There are always options.

3. When nothing is wrong, there’s nothing wrong – except that there’s nothing wrong.

When something seems too good to be true, it’s because it is too good to be true.

4. Trust your instincts.

You’re worked hard, trained hard, and studied hard. When all else fails, trust your gut. It’s ready. Your subconscious knows and sees more than you can, especially in the heat of battle. Trust it.

 I can't say I've used these four principles to their full extent over the years, and I wish I would have seen this earlier in my working life. Hell, college life. One thing young people need to know beside technology, leadership is the most critical factor in success in any endeavor. 

RIP LTG Moore. A Great Captain. 

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